Find A Home Away From Home

Discover your perfect boarding house with Pezabond - we've got the ideal living space waiting for you. Download The pezabond App Today from playstore and apple store!

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Pezabond App Features

Welcome to the Pezabond Boarding House Finder App – your ultimate solution for hassle-free and efficient boarding house searches! Discover your ideal home away from home with just a few taps. Our user-friendly app makes it incredibly easy to find comfortable and affordable boarding houses that meet your preferences and needs!

  • Secure Login

    We provide a secure and fast way to log into our app.

  • Near by Suggestions

    Pezabond will suggest the nearest boarding houses near your current location.

  • Smart Map Search

    Use our smart map search feature to find boardinghouses near your institution within a calculated walkable distance .

  • Filter By Institution

    Find boarding houses near your searched institution "college or university".

  • Room Details

    Provides you with complete details about the room you intend to reserve.

  • Rental Calender

    Keep real time tracking of your checked-in date and your rent within the App.

  • Search History Reminder

    Didnt find a room? We will notify you on new boardingHouses listed matching your search history.

  • Mobile Money Payment

    You can pay for your Boarding house using Mobile money service "Airtel/MTN"


Go App Store

download our app from either play store or apple store..


Create Your Account

Sign up with your email and phone number..


Find a Boarding House

Use the search form or the smart map search..


Pay & Relax!

Congratulations you have saved yourself time, money and the stress of finding a boarding house..

Vision And Mission

At PezaBond, our vision is to revolutionize the way individuals find suitable boarding accommodations. We aim to create a seamless and empowering experience for users, providing them with a platform that simplifies their search for safe, convenient, and affordable boarding houses. Our ultimate vision is to be the trusted go-to solution for anyone seeking their ideal home away from home.

Our mission as PezaBond, is to empower people on their journey to find the perfect place to stay. We are committed to leveraging technology to connect users with a diverse range of boarding options, ensuring they have access to transparent information, secure bookings, and a community-driven experience. We strive to make the process of finding a comfortable and safe boarding house as effortless as possible, catering to the unique needs and preferences of each user. With our application, we aim to simplify the search, improve accessibility, and enhance the overall quality of living for those seeking boarding accommodations.

Download our app

Finding your ideal boarding house has never been easier. Download the Pezabond app today and unlock a world of convenience and choice. Whether you're an iOS or Android user, we've got you covered. Simply click the buttons below to get started.

  • Available on Apple
  • Available on Android
Learn More

The PezaBond Team

Behind the seamless experience of PezaBond's Boarding House Finder App is a dedicated team who breathe life into our vision. Our developers are the architects of innovation, constantly striving to make your housing search easier and more efficient.
With a diverse range of expertise,our dev team is the backbone of PezaBond's success..

Geoffrey Zimba

Chief Programmer/Founder

With a passion for pushing technological boundaries, I lead a team dedicated to crafting innovative solutions that transform ideas into reality.

Kelly Mwelwa

Chief Executive Officer

As a CEO. At the intersection of technology and innovation, I lead our team in crafting visionary solutions that redefine industries and drive our mission forward.

Tamara Zulu

Marketing Director

In my capacity as the Marketing Director at PezaBond, I am entrusted with the pivotal responsibility of elevating our brand presence and expanding our market reach.


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Google Play

Happy Clients

We would like to thank all of our customers for their support and use of the fantastic app "PEZABOND"!
Visit our website and download "PEZABOND APP"!